Monday, September 9, 2013

Joseph Coniff Review

Although a picture can immortalise a memory, the event eventually fades from within our conscious realm.

Some people speak just to hear their own voices.

The academic standards are far steeper than any student can reach on their own. They must exert actual effort if they wish to achieve.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Photoshop: New Freaking Apple 4

This is how my apple is looking so far.
Still need to do more blending and then work on the details like the dirt and spotties and stuff.
The progression goes from bottom to top like the rest.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Photoshop: New Freaking Apple 3

Adjusted the shadow a bit, and I'm working on the area around the stem.
I'm not even to details yet..
I'll need a lot more time on this if I'm going to make it look realistic.
There's still so much I need to fix...