Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Today I won't be in due to a migraine and feeling pretty ill.
I'll have to make up any work later, though I doubt you assigned anything new.

Monday, February 27, 2012


I really didn't do anything.
I lost my Spidey Doo image before, so I haven't really been motivated to start it again.
I'll work on it after the TCAP in Digital Evolutions..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today I did..

I updated my blog with all of the missing assignments.
I also...worked on character designs, to be honest. It's really fun.

FINISHED; Photoshop: Healing Brush - Dog

Finished this at home! 
Finally got motivated to re-do it after the Photoshop Crash Incident (PCI).
I hate PCI's.

Assignment: SKArunner Review

Thursday, February 9, 2012

FINISHED; Photoshop: Zebroceros

This is the Zebra-rhino thing.
I didn't really feel like fixing that eye (it's REALLY messed up), and the first right leg is, like, meshed with the first left leg.
Also, the mane still has lingering green from the Zebra layer.
All and all, here it is~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Miscellaneous Photoshop Work

This is some miscellaneous work I've done in Photoshop just for fun. Experimentation and whatnot. =D

FINISHED; Photoshop: Selection Tool

This is what I did in class, and it was pretty easy. I didn't use just the lasso/selection tool. I didn't feel like doing that much work.